Sailor Moon has been my favorite cartoon since the first time I saw it come on the Cartoon Network. It was part of an afternoon lineup called TOONAMI when I was in middle school. It would come on at 3:30pm and I wouldn't get out of school until 3:15pm so I had to pass on riding the bus home and run the two miles to my house in order to catch it. I remember that thirty minutes each weekday being the happiest I remember being as a child.
Now Cartoon Network only played the first two seasons on their station so I knew nothing of the other three seasons and three full length feature films that were out there. When I started making good money escorting and having a disposable income, the first order of business was to locate and buy every Sailor Moon media I could find. That began a two week search across the internet and most of southern California for what I needed. It took a lot of hard work and dedication but I was finally in possession of everything I wanted.
Sailor Mercury had always been my favorite of all the scouts. She was always the smart one in the group and her powers were water based, which as a Pisces I loved. When I started watching the rest of the series and learned of all the other scouts that were introduced later, I quickly fell in love with Sailor Pluto instead. She was the eldest of the group and by far the most powerful. Very mature and only came around in times of desperate need. I admired how hard she worked to keep the others together and make sure that things didn't get too out of control.

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