Unfortunately part of my new path has included a lack of disposable income. There really hasn't been much income at all really. Don't get me wrong, I have done really well staying afloat but it's been very tight. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the days when there were a few hundred dollars at my disposal at any given moment. However, I can say that living a more humble life is a small price to pay for being clean and sober...and on the right path again.
When I started to realize that money wasn't going to come to me as easy as it had in my previous life, I started looking into what to do for a more steady income. First I gave bartending a try but found it to be too much like high school, chaotic and full of drama. Definitely not the environment that I want to be working in. After that I gave Kelly Services a shot to see if they could find a place for me, that never really panned out. So I figured I would start back at the beginning and seek a position in the food service industry again. I swore I would never go back but times are tough and school isn't going to pay for itself.
It took a great deal of soul searching before I convinced myself there was no shame in doing what it takes to get things done. It is definitely not the proudest moment in my life but I do find solace in knowing that I am walking a better path now than I was then. Though there was plenty of money then, along with it came heavy drug use and a very promiscuous lifestyle. When I stop and think about it..I wouldn't change anything I have done in my past, nor what I am doing now. I had a lot of amazing experiences and was allotted many opportunities that many people weren't at my age.
It's just time to grow up a little and start being a big boy!