Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet My Son

Welcome Leo !!!!

So this week DYLAN and I decided to adopt a beautiful kitten from this couple we met online. They rescued a female cat from the ASPCA which was unknowingly pregnant with a litter of kittens when they got her, so when she gave birth they treated all the kittens and left them with the responsibility of finding them homes. When we went to look at what was left of the litter there was only one that caught our attention. It was a gray male kitten with black stripes who was extremely playful and had lots of energy..reminded me of myself. Naturally we took him home and called him our son.

Now the name thing took us a moment. Naturally we wanted to call him anything cool like... Cesar, Oscar, Spaz, Taz, Tiger, Feline....and the list goes on and on. We just couldn't both agree on any one thing. Then out of nowhere the idea of LEO came about and it was an instant success. I was thinking more the cute reliable whitelighter from my favorite show CHARMED but Dylan was thinking more the Zodiac sign with the sign of a lion, which makes more sense, so I just went with it. So thus we now have a beautiful little boy named LEO!

Touch It

The New Job

Okay so it's no secret that I worked at Sonic Drive In when I was 16 for a few years..actually worked my way up to assistant manager. To be honest it was actually rather awkward to be managing at 17 when a majority of the crew were in their 20's and 30's. I loved working there, between the amazing people and the fun was just a really enjoyable place to work. Well with my new path here in Dallas I have had to make a great deal of changes. One of which has been letting go of the rather large disposable income I had become accustom to and get a normal job going. So when I was unable to come up with anything else..I went to the one place I knew could use me.

Now don't get me wrong I am still planning on starting school and getting that ball rolling as well, but right now I need to get myself stable. If I had realized that I could have paid for school with all the money I wasted on partying and drugs...I would have passed on all of it to do so. Now I am paying for all the traveling and fun I had over the past 5 years. Going from making 1000 every other day to making 1000 every other week has been a big change. For one thing I have learned to budget my money a lot better and RED BOX has become my number one friend since I rarely go out. In all it has been a rather positive change in my life. It does feel great having somewhere to go everyday...and even better to meet people outside of the gay community. It's definitely helping me to appreciate things I buy.

With every passing day I feel so happy that I am much closer to leaving KYLE FOXXX behind and becoming JAMES again. I am even in the habit of calling myself JAMES again to people I meet. Just takes some time to get past everything. Working 40 hours a week for peanuts helps one realize that there are greater things in life than what we can buy at the store.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back In The Work Force

part of my new path has included a lack of disposable income. There really hasn't been much income at all really. Don't get me wrong, I have done really well staying afloat but it's been very tight. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the days when there were a few hundred dollars at my disposal at any given moment. However, I can say that living a more humble life is a small price to pay for being clean and sober...and on the right path again.

When I started to realize that money wasn't going to come to me as easy as it had in my previous life, I started looking into what to do for a more steady income. First I gave bartending a try but found it to be too much like high school, chaotic and full of drama. Definitely not the environment that I want to be working in. After that I gave Kelly Services a shot to see if they could find a place for me, that never really panned out. So I figured I would start back at the beginning and seek a position in the food service industry again. I swore I would never go back but times are tough and school isn't going to pay for itself.

It took a great deal of soul searching before I convinced myself there was no shame in doing what it takes to get things done. It is definitely not the proudest moment in my life but I do find solace in knowing that I am walking a better path now than I was then. Though there was plenty of money then, along with it came heavy drug use and a very promiscuous lifestyle. When I stop and think about it..I wouldn't change anything I have done in my past, nor what I am doing now. I had a lot of amazing experiences and was allotted many opportunities that many people weren't at my age.

It's just time to grow up a little and start being a big boy!

Broadway Favorites: Aida "Easy As Life"

Broadway Musical: Aida
Song: "Easy As Life"
Singer: Heather Headley

Now out of every Broadway show I have seen, AIDA is definitely my favorite. There is such a beautiful love story told in a time of war and turmoil. I have seen the show probably six times or so and still cry every time. The first time I went to see it Heather Headley returned to play the lead, as she was the original AIDA. After seeing her I was done, she was made to play that role. Since then I have seen both Deborah Cox and Michelle Williams in the part and neither quite measure up to Heather. Anyone who knows me, knows I love me a Deborah Cox but her voice was not powerful enough for the role.

The song from AIDA that has a great deal of meaning to me would be "Easy As Life" performed by Heather Headley herself. There is a point where Aida has to make a choice between the man she has fallen in love with or the people she has a responsibility to. She decides to forfeit love in order to save her people and to do that she has to convince herself that the love wasn't meant to be and that she is better off without him. The lyrics are absolutely amazing..I hope you enjoy!
"Aida, Amneris, and Radames are entangled in conflicted loyalties and emotions ("A Step Too Far"), that Aida might be a traitor to her people as she loves Radames, that his love for her could end his life as he knows it, and that he does not show the attention that Amneris deserves. Aida and Mereb bribe their way into Amonasro's prison cell, where she is reunited with her father. Mereb hatches a plan to escape with the king during the commotion of Amneris' wedding. To save her father and her nation, Aida must betray the man she loves ("Easy as Life")."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Daily Diet: Dinner

::Tonight's Dinner::

Mesquite Marinade Rib Eye
1 Sliced Cucumber Baked
1 Sliced Onion Baked
1 Corn Cob
1 Cup Wild Rice

Now tonight's dinner was a little more calories than I would normally like to have at night, but my excuse was that we ate early and had plenty of time to burn them off. Between sex, swimming, and working out..I think I burn a good amount of calories. The best part of the meal was definitely the steak..simply because Dylan and I have discovered these packs of marinade that spice up any kind of meat. Makes eating healthy so yummy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Memory Lane: Morgan McMichaels

Walk with me down memory lane.....

Imagine how surprised I was when I turned on Rupaul's Drag Race: Season 2 and saw two of my friends from Los Angeles competing in it. The whole time we would watch I would brag about my friend Morgan McMichaels. I wasn't really that close to Raven, but Morgan and I really go back. All the way back to my drag days when we would work together at the bars around town. I remember talking shop with her backstage waiting for our numbers to come on. We would talk about everything from costumes to the method in which we would tuck. Good Times!

I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Morgan. If I remember correctly we started doing drag around the same time, and back when I was still performing, we were almost on the same level and growing together. Aside from my personal history with here though, she is absolutely amazing to watch on stage. There is just something fun and energetic about her that always entertains. There were a great deal of shady bitches in the drag scene but that was never her. I have to say that she is probably one of my favorites.

When I cut off all my hair and started living as a gay boy again I lost a lot of my friends I had made in that life. It is probably one of my only regrets about not doing drag anymore. There were some who stayed in touch but the relationship was never the same. I guess as life changes you go through different stages and along the way you lose and gain friends. Though drag was a majority of what Morgan and I had in common, even after the change we maintained a level of our friendship and that was enough for me.