Welcome Leo !!!!

So this week DYLAN and I decided to adopt a beautiful kitten from this couple we met online. They rescued a female cat from the ASPCA which was unknowingly pregnant with a litter of kittens when they got her, so when she gave birth they treated all the kittens and left them with the responsibility of finding them homes. When we went to look at what was left of the litter there was only one that caught our attention. It was a gray male kitten with black stripes who was extremely playful and had lots of energy..reminded me of myself. Naturally we took him home and called him our son.
Now the name thing took us a moment. Naturally we wanted to call him anything cool like... Cesar, Oscar, Spaz, Taz, Tiger, Feline....and the list goes on and on. We just couldn't both agree on any one thing. Then out of nowhere the idea of LEO came about and it was an instant success. I was thinking more the cute reliable whitelighter from my favorite show CHARMED but Dylan was thinking more the Zodiac sign with the sign of a lion, which makes more sense, so I just went with it. So thus we now have a beautiful little boy named LEO!
Now the name thing took us a moment. Naturally we wanted to call him anything cool like... Cesar, Oscar, Spaz, Taz, Tiger, Feline....and the list goes on and on. We just couldn't both agree on any one thing. Then out of nowhere the idea of LEO came about and it was an instant success. I was thinking more the cute reliable whitelighter from my favorite show CHARMED but Dylan was thinking more the Zodiac sign with the sign of a lion, which makes more sense, so I just went with it. So thus we now have a beautiful little boy named LEO!